
Ship Breaker Dystopian

Decent Essays

Dystopian literature is a genre of fictional writing that portrays the world in a worst case scenario using three elements. These three elements are dystopian society, dystopian controls and the dystopian protagonist. Paolo Bacigalupi uses these three elements to create a very realistic dystopian novel that is not too far away from becoming a reality. With all of this said, It is obvious that Ship Breaker is a completely dystopian novel. Not only is it a dystopian novel, but it also gives a view into what the real world might look like in the near future. The bureaucratic control in Ship Breaker is very evident when Bacigalupi begins to talk about the swanks. The swanks own people that are half man and half dog to use at their will for whatever …show more content…

In Bacigalupi’s Ship Breaker the world has developed a fine line between the rich and the poor in which the rich people live the life that everyone would love to live while the poor live in little shacks and work all day to take apart ships. This is where the protagonist Nailer is introduced into the book. Nailer falls on the poor side of this line and he works on a light crew in a ship breaking yard. Nailer goes into service ducts and pulls copper wire from them to make money and make a living. All of the ship breakers believe that the rust rats (ship breakers) shouldn’t be looked down upon by the swanks and that everyone should be treated the same because they are all human and they are all the same. This is already happening in the real world and in the near future that line is going to become even more defined as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The societal conditions in Ship Breaker are another way that the book is a dystopian …show more content…

In the world of Ship Breaker the people that aren’t very well off and do exactly what they are told without question because they know that there is always somebody else that wants the same job that they have and if they question why they are doing the task at hand, they will lose their job. This is shown when Nailer is talking to Bapi on the deck of the ship after emerging from the vents and Bapi says, “You think I can’t get a hundred other licebiters to take your place? There’s kids down there that would let me cut out an eye if it would get them up on a wreck.” (14) Also the citizens live in a very dehumanized state where the people that don’t have much money aren’t seen as humans and day to day life is a struggle. There isn’t much food for these people and they live on beaches where pollution and trash, wash up on shore every day. The people live in huts and go to work every day knowing that they could die from anything that is in the ship. They work in tight quarters in frail service ducts that could break at any moment if they are too heavy, and they work in these conditions for less than $5 every

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