
Serial Killer Sociology

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The idea of serial killers has intrigued us all. today’s society profits off them with new television series and biographies of our most infamous killers. Psychologists and sociologists alike want answers as to what makes a serial killer kill. Scientists may explore serial killing through a sociological lens to see if there have been any findings to predispositions of serial killers due to social circumstances. This way, they may have an advantage to preventing serial killers from developing. While exploring this, it will be necessary to determine the issues with defining serial killing and exploring different models that pertain to the research. In the end, the goal is to clarify findings, compart test results, and determine if a sociological …show more content…

The first lens a sociologist will look through is the mass media and its relations to society. A growing population with unlimited access to meeting strangers become the norm. After the industrial revolution there was less of a need for farm workers and more of a need for factory workers. As society began to urbanized, people were forced to create and live in a population where one did not know the name of the person living next to them. Kevin Haggerty And Ariane Ellerbrok believed that this rushed movement of strangers “...proved to be a key precondition for the emergence of serial murder, given that a defining attribute of serial killers is that they prey on strangers...”( Haggerty,Ellerbrok 1). As time went on and technology began to develop into more complex networks, the Internet paved the way in enabling you to meet strangers through chat rooms and social media. The Internet became a tool of serial killers as a way of meeting victims and having a disguise. The World Wide Web also made serial killing a famous act. T.V shows, books, and movies all get money by glorifying serial killers. “Actresses like charlize theron, who played wuornos in the movie monster, earn” ( Keya, M.A., 25) and “popular movies and books such as “Silence Of The Lambs,” “Kiss The Girl,” and “Taking Lives”” (Krueger 3) have dramatically over-idolized serial killers and their actions. Dexter Morgan, a charming yet twisted young character from a T.V. series has been admired for being a “vigilante killer... who (is), “taking out the trash” of society” ( Keya, M.A., 9). Killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991, and Jack The Ripper, who killed and mutilated prostitutes in East London in 1888 , have become common household names. That is the next lens they look through, the household. We will often look to a killer's childhood to

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