
Science Vs Religion Research Paper

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One of the most controversial discussions in human history is between the topics of science and religion. This discussion spans most of human history with far-reaching effects. It has even stretched into our modern times, leaching into schools and politics. But before one can decide which side to take, and what views to align with, they require knowledge. Society must understand the similarities and differences between science and religion.
Science differs immensely from religion in a variety of ways. Science is defined as “systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.” ( Science takes everything in the natural world and gives us the tools to better understand the universe. …show more content…

A scientist may be an expert in one, or many, topics. He or she could hypothetically have learned and memorized every piece of data mankind possesses regarding a field of study. Yet, they will likely never say that they have a complete or full knowledge of that field. As Neil deGrasse Tyson states, “It's okay not to know all the answers. It's better to admit our ignorance than to believe answers that might be wrong. Pretending to know everything, closes the door to finding out what's really there.” many scientists such as Tyson agree with this because as we learn more about the world around us and experiment and create, we give ourselves the tools to dig even deeper. As we dig deeper we often find new data. In science new data may build upon previous data, but does not disprove previous observations, as that would be impossible. New data may disprove hypothesis and scientific theories but observations are just that, observations. They simply show what is, not what we think of …show more content…

The Torah was given to us by God, Who is omniscient. Since He knows all that ever is, was, or will be, it is inconceivable that the Torah wouldn’t account for the circumstances of future generations. The laws of the Torah do not get “outdated” and discarded and God certainly won’t retract the Torah and replace it with another book. (Numbers 23:19 says that God is not like a human being who might change his mind.)” (Abramowitz) Despite many different religions assertions that they already have complete and perfect guides to life and understanding the universe, they have been known to change. One such example is Mormonism. The mormon faith has been known to evolve throughout history in accordance with changing eras and their social issues. For example “In 1890, President Wilford Woodruff issued the Manifesto, which led to the end of plural marriage in the Church.” ( previously polygamy was regularly practiced in mormon culture. However persecution drove the Mormons across the country till they were forced to change their standing. Adaptation to social change is shown often throughout mormon history changing their stance on racism. Brigham Young, whom BYU was named after made this statement about people of dark

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