
Roaring 20's Research Paper

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Of all the time periods I could choose from, I would choose to be born into the roaring 20’s. The roaring 20’s were a post world war era associated with an economic boom in the United States, and that subsequent wealth led to a time when society changed in such a way as to correlate with the massive changes occurring in the US. Even though this wealth couldn't last forever, as shown through the Great Depression which began in 1929, the country itself underwent advances that forever changed the course of its history. Teen girls began to rebel against what was considered proper society by following new, up and coming fashion trends that showed more skin than their parents could handle, causing a domino effect of rebellious children and …show more content…

In 1920, after many long years of the suffragette movement, which included protests, imprisonment, and even force feeding, women received the right to vote, the first of many times women brought about change in order to better the lives of others. The 1920’s are simply credited as one of the most exciting decades in our history. At the beginning of this decade, women were still wearing corsets, and toward the end, women had changed their fashion in a way that would make their mothers shudder. I would like to be a part of this time not only for the glitz and glamour it is often associated with, but simply to witness all the change that occurred in this country during that short time. So many social shifts occurred that got the ball rolling on how modern social society works. It is a decade that transformed the American way, which was associated with hard work being necessary for survival and the only way to achieve what you set your mind to. Considering the 1920’s are a post world war era, America soon adopted an attitude of living in the moment and risking it all, which contributed to the change of so many social mores. By going back to this time I can witness not only the changing of society, but the changing of the whole world as they knew

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