
Restorative Practice Report

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3. Introduction: Mr. Nichols thanked everyone for attending. He explained why the subcommittee was developed; the goal is to have a workable plan ready for the fall. Mrs. Everly thanked Mr. Nichols for his leadership on the Board, and by bringing this conversation to the table, we can only get better. At the administrator meeting last week with Mrs. Joseph, administrators talked about the communication issues within the discipline process that need to be worked out; there is a need to tighten up communication between the office and teacher. Mr. Nichols noted that central office administrators have already been working very hard on this subject, but he thinks it is important for administrators to receive input from teachers and parents. …show more content…

Pollzzie recommended a book titled Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management. The book details why restorative practice exists. We have done this in our district; it just was not called restorative practice. Understanding restorative practice and why it is used; what is the difference between traditional ways of teaching versus restorative practice.
• The code of conduct is followed for students who get into an altercation. The students would probably serve a suspension time, in or out of school. We are expanding the inhouse opportunities to the elementary buildings next year, and all of the inhouse settings should have a restorative component. Next week, June 25, 26, 27, and 28 there will be a restorative practice inservice opportunity for anyone who would like to attend.
• What about the kid who does not want restorative practice? The challenge found with restorative practice is students lack empathy to understand that they have done something to hurt someone else. Cannot have restorative practice without empathy and honesty. Restorative practice cannot work without ownership. Sometimes, staff who are in charge of discipline do not have time to put restorative practice in

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