
Relationship Between Slavery And Capitalism Essay

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This paper will question the relationship between Slavery and Capitalism, and the extent to how dependent Capitalism was on slavery. Chattel slavery first arrived to America in 1619 and from there the business just kept on growing. It leads to the invention of the cotton gin and helped push forward the young country into the developed powerful nation it is now. This can be gained from the readings from Bailyn, Beverly, the Declaration of Independence, and other works that show not only how profitable slavery was, but also how important it was to the development of America as a country. The first facet of this question will look at how chattel slavery developed trade for America. Chattel slavery was practiced in the 17th to 19th centuries, and through the forced labor that African American slaves faced helped develop the new nation in not just an industrial, but also economic manner as well. The first instance of this trade is seen when the first slave arrived in the “North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619” ("Slavery in America - Black History -", 2016) to help with the production of tobacco. This was seen as a great benefit to the slave masters and wealthy businessmen of the time. This can be seen from the way it allowed for an even bigger workforce than before. Beverly (1705) mentions that “Male-Servants, and Slaves of both Sexes, are imployed together in Tilling and Manuring the Ground, in Sowing and Planting Tobacco” (p. 37) and the only way to

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