
Pt1420 Unit 1 Study Guide

Satisfactory Essays

Step # Step 1. Pay attention to all instructions and due dates in class. 2. Ask questions about specific parts of the project. 3. Brainstorm about how much work I should do at home in order to complete all of the work with the class time provided. 4. Begin working on Criterion A at home and then work on it in class. 5. Thoroughly answer each question and part in Criterion A (all objectives). Research my career of choice and take detailed notes. 6. Check over all of my work and make sure all parts are completed for Criterion A. Then, turn this part in. 7. Come up with a creative way to convey my research about myself and my career choice. 8. Answer all Criterion B questions and parts (all objectives). If needed, ask more questions about what exactly is being asked of me. 9. …show more content…

Review all work and complete everything for Criterion B. Turn in all of the work. 10. Begin working with the presentation software that I am going to be using to make a final product. Explore the tools and features of the software. 11. Create the final product with creativity. Use animation, images, and other features to make the project exciting. Add all parts required into the presentation, including information on my career and my personal life. 12. Answer all Criterion C questions thoughtfully. 12. Finish, revise, and review all parts of Criterion C and hand them in. 13. Begin Criterion D of the Design Cycle Project. Think deeply and reflect on what I did well on in my project. Realize my strengths and weaknesses. 14. Begin to type out my thoughts on the correct Google Doc. Answer all of the questions required to complete Criterion D and all of its objectives. Give paragraph answers and try my best. 15. Make sure that I have carefully evaluated my our work. 16. Turn in the rest of the project by the correct due

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