
Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling And The Public And Public Schools

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Homeschooling Every education system put in place by the government will offer an excellent opportunity for young children to learn new skill and information as well as discovering their interest and unique qualities. There is no doubt that children are talented. Therefore, we need to support them as they grow up (Ray, 2015). There is no significant difference between homeschooling and the public schools, charter schools, private schools and all other models as each has pros and cons. Homeschooling is a progressive system around the country and the world in general, where parents conclude to educate their kids at home instead of taking them to a public and private school. Most parents chose to homeschool their young kids for various reasons including being dissatisfied with the current education system, religious beliefs, and different educational philosophies. However, whether or not the child is taken to a public, private school or homeschooled the most important thing is the achievement at the end of the day. To be honest, sometimes there is zero fun in homeschooling. In most cases, children who are homeschooled suffer from what is called homeschooled friend syndrome. This is where the kid feels that he is less of a kind and real friend to other children who attend private and public schools because they don’t see each other during the day. The kid at home has no time to go to school dances with other children and have fun. In school, there is much fun

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