
Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care Settings

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Unit 5: Principles of safeguarding and protectionin health and social care settings 1.1 & 1.2 Physical abuse is a deliberate use of physical force that results in bodily injury pain or impairments. Sgns of physical abuse can be burns and scalds, marks on the skin consistent with being slapped, scratched, bitten or pinched.Sexual abuse is direct or indirect involvementin sexual activity without valid consent. Signs of sexual abuse could be sexual transmitted disease,unexplained crying and distress or anxiety and fear of physical touch. Emotional/psycholoigical abuse is any action by another that damages an individuals mental wellbeing, signs of this is attention seeking behaviour,depression,low self-esteem and lack of self confidence. …show more content…

3.2 There is alot of agencies involved in safeguarding local authority adult social care services, these recieve safeguarding alerts, ensure action is taken to keep individuals/agencies involved. They also provide a support and advice. All agencies (police, gp 's,nhs,councils etc) these implement and work to the agreed safeguarding adults policies and procedures.They all cooperate and collaborate with other agencies to ensure the safety of adults at risk. They also ensure that all staff are trained to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse regularly. 3.4 Advice and guidance on safeguarding procedures are available in the safeguarding policy and procedures document. Advice on safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse is also available by doing training, attending team meetings, having supervisions from management, contacting adult social services,care quality commission. 4.1 Person-centred approaches place the individual at the centre of all activities. This kind of approach reduces the likelihood of abuse occuring by means of the following care values: Individuality- Planning support around the unique needs of the individual. Rights-Never doing that may ignore or go against the individuals rights. Choice-Making sure the individual has appropriate choices in their best interests. Privacy-Making sure the individual is free from

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