
Principles Of Corporate Social Responsibility

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Also, in referencing the Danish model, although the region may be relatively unique in the widely accepted responsibilities of corporate citizenry, it is not unique in providing such guidelines. The SEC has established a CSR Working Group and provided to the public and firms alike a handbook that discusses principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. (4) The principles discussed within this handbook outline a frame of reference that companies may follow. In addition, CSR disclosure are mandated for listed firms to be provided within each of their annually distributed report, both availing investors to view information pertinent for investment decisions as well as availing corporate leadership the opportunity to compare progress and …show more content…

Thus, there are some governance systems, both regulatory and corporate alike, which are less interested in regards to corporate citizenry and in some efforts have reverted to customs that were practiced in the past which perpetuated environmental damage. (7) The revisiting of these poor CSR practices however is not widely accepted on a global scale. For example, most millennials have shown that they uphold corporate citizenry to a high esteem. This millennial approach, in alignment with Tom Zara’s view on revised CSR, is that a company should have an holistic essence that exudes CSR or in Tom’s belief Corporate Citizenship- this is the idea that a company should treat itself as a citizen and thus contribute in areas of the core business elements, that is, community, customer, employee, government, supplier, and environment. (7) This view is of distinct difference to one of generations’ past, such as the baby boomer’s rigid beliefs due to growing up in an era where fossil fuels reigned supreme. This distinction between the baby boomer generations, albeit outdated, still has an impact in how legislation governs actions on corporate responsibility as well as how older wealth is distributed. When companies showcase an utter lack of capability to become a corporate citizen, one element that serves as a reaction is the response of protests and active advocacy

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