
Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Pursing a career as a medical doctor is an opportunity for me to mentor youth in underserved populations. As a child, I was raised in the low income, urban community of Roxbury, MA. Although not as notorious today, the neighborhood had garnered negative attention for its high crime rates. My mother emigrated from Haiti and raised me as a single parent. Due to our financial circumstance, Roxbury became our permanent residence. I have always felt there was something lacking in Roxbury in comparison to other towns I visited. My teenage years were largely spent in the suburban town of Stoneham where I attended high school. There was a literal difference in air quality and a psychology contrast in future prospects. While native students of …show more content…

Unlike a school guidance counselor, the relationship built with a primary care doctor starts at a young age in-part due to school mandated annual physicals. There are many people in the city that share my background, but do not have the same support system. This is especially important in single parent households where resources and social capital are limited. Those precious moments are times to show that you care and are invested in their future. Health care is a lifelong necessity and right for all communities. I want young people to be there for themselves and ultimately for their future families.

Outside of the medical office, my role as a community advocate does not stop. Pediatricians such as Dr. Zuckerman and Dr. Needlam have displayed the flexibility and influence of a medical background. Along with early childhood educators, they initiated the “Reach Out and Read program” which provides young parents with books during doctor visits. Programs such as these encourage early learning and prospects for social mobility through education. Doctors do more than heal the body; they can empower individuals. I wonder if this influence can be implemented during adolescent career development. As a medical professional, I hope to gain interdisciplinary knowledge to see where clinical hours can be used to support societal needs. My hope is that engaging in these joint ventures will begin to chip away at the 1 in 3 prison statistic that plagues urban

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