
Personal Narrative: Moving To America

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I looked at myself at the mirror, drops of water coming out of my eyes like as if it was a rainy day in May. Hearing the news got me so upset and depressed. I sat outside and looked around the place that I have grown up and that meant a lot to me. When I heard that our family was moving to America I was not happy about that.I was angry with my family because I did not want to leave Ethiopia. I did not want to leave my friends and family in Ethiopia. It scared me that I had to leave my old life and start a new one. A month later, it was time to go the airport and get ready to go to the new country. I was nervous; my heartbeat got louder and louder as walked closer to the airport. As I bit my lip, my eyes were dancing to every corner, my legs were shaking, and my hands were sweating. I was sad that I was leaving the place that I called home and that I had to leave all my childhood memories. At the same time, I was excited because I always wondered what it felt like to move to a different country and adapt to a new world, culture, and language. At the airport, I was happy finally come face to face with the big white things that use to fly over my house. I was stunned to see how big they really were. All of the sudden my sadness turned into excitement and I could not wait to start a …show more content…

Before I came to Minnesota I thought it was going to be a beautiful place, but when I got here I did not see what I expected. The trees were naked, the leaves are falling all around, and the leaves that once were green are now turning yellow. I had grown up in Addis Ababa, which is the capital of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa is one the most beautiful city in the world. In my opinion, I think that Addis Ababa is more beautiful than Minnesota. One thing that surprised was that the people in Minnesota were so nice and friendly. The minute I got in Minnesota they welcome my family and I with an open hand. They made me feel so

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