
Personal Information On Health Care Organizations Essay

Better Essays

5) Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention: Personal information can be collected or disclosed for the purpose, it was taken. For other purposes, consent is required. Personal information should be kept as long as necessary. 6) Accuracy: Health care organization must make effort to reduce the risk when incorrect personal information is used or disclosed. 7) Safeguards: Health care organizations must protect personal information from loss or theft. They must create safeguards to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. 8) Openness: Health care organizations must make their privacy policies readily available to Canadians. 9) Individual Access: Canadians have the right to ask and challenge the accuracy of their personal information by the health care organizations. 10) Challenging Compliance: Canadians must be challenged the health care organization’s privacy practices. These principles are included in PIPEDA, PHIPA and Quality of Care Information Protection Act which imposes obligations on health care/service providers. What steps are involved in PIAs?  Identifying all of the personal information related to a program/service  Mapping where personal information is sent after collection  Identifying privacy risks  Finding ways to eliminate or reduce privacy risks How do PIAs protect personal information (PI)?  PIAs focus on the potential privacy issues of a number of programs/services because privacy legislation improves the overall awareness

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