
Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Timestamp

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1. The client and/or server can crash, and if the server isn’t stateless, there’s likely to be a significant loss of information (Dordal, 2016).

2. Packets can be lost, especially if there is congestion (Dordal, 2016).

3. Since UDP doesn’t have an acknowledgement protocol built in, RPC should have one written in so that the chance of lost packets is reduced (Dordal, 2016).

2. Timestamps are needed in RTP in order to synchronize the playback of voice and video, which are the most common uses of RTP (Dordal, 2016). A timestamp is also a way to measure the amount of jitter in the network (Dordal, 2016).

3. Maximum packet lifetime needs to be large enough so that the packet and its acknowledgement have disappeared

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