
Nmc Code of Conduct

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NMC Code-Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives.

The people in your care must be able to trust you with their health and wellbeing.
For this I will treat people in my care with equity and respect their dignity at all times. I will make the care of people my first concern. I will work with others to protect and ensure safe health and wellbeing of those in my care, their families and the wider community. I will provide a high standard of practice and care at all times. I will always be open and honest, act with integrity and always will uphold the reputation of my profession.

As a professional, you are personally accountable for actions and omissions in your practice and must always be able to justify …show more content…

You must work with colleagues to monitor the quality of your work and maintain the safety of those in your care • 23. You must facilitate students and others to develop their competence
Work effectively as part of a team. • 24. You must work cooperatively within teams and respect the skills, expertise and contributions of your colleagues • 25. You must be willing to share your skills and experience for the benefit of your colleagues • 26. You must consult and take advice from colleagues when appropriate • 27. You must treat your colleagues fairly and without discrimination • 28. You must make a referral to another practitioner when it is in the best interests of someone in your care
Delegate effectively. • 29. You must establish that anyone you delegate to is able to carry out your instructions • 30. You must confirm that the outcome of any delegated task meets required standards • 31. You must make sure that everyone you are responsible for is supervised and supported
Manage risk. • 32. You must act without delay if you believe that you, a colleague or anyone else may be putting someone at risk • 33. You must inform someone in authority if you experience problems that prevent you working within this code or other nationally agreed standards • 34. You must report your concerns in writing if problems in the environment of care are putting people at risk
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