
A Good Example Of Mr. Johnson's First Amendment Rights

Decent Essays

In the year 1984-1989 there was a case that struck America and shows a very good example to having your first amendment rights, not everyone will necessarily agree with this but this is how Mr. Johnson took his actions against the supreme court. This case is based on Mr. Johnson feeling violated against his first amendment right and standing up for himself and burning the American flag. Many patriotic people would completely disagree with this but, in our first amendment we have the freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Leading Mr. Johnson to this case because the American flag is supposed to represent our country and our freedom. “Gregory Lee Johnson burned an American flag outside of the convention center where the 1984 Republican National Convention was being held in Dallas, Texas. Johnson burned the flag to protest the policies of President Ronald Reagan. He was arrested and charged with violating a Texas statute that prevented the desecration of a venerated object, including the American flag, if such action were likely to incite anger in others. A Texas court tried and convicted Johnson. He appealed, arguing that his actions were "symbolic speech" protected by the First Amendment.” Based off this case with this evidence this shows how much this could affect Mr. Johnson and the public significantly. Mr. Johnson born …show more content…

“ The American flag remains a living piece of history and a source of pride and unity for all Americans. The Stars and Stripes embodies the very qualities that make our nation great: liberty, justice, freedom, love of country and national purpose.” and once again just stated here this shows how important the flag means to every single American citizen in every form of our first

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