
Monopolies In The 1800s Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout history, there have been many problems present in the American life. In the time period between the 1800s to the 1900s, there were many problems such as, poor living and working conditions and powerful monopolies. Many reforms were proposed in order to solve these problems. The grisly living and working conditions, along with overpowered monopolies, were both addressed with reforms. As immigrants migrated to the United States, cities became cramp, living conditions were poor, and working conditions were careless. In document one, the image taken by Jacob Riis, in 1890, shows a group of immigrants living in a tiny and filthy room. It is clear that all five of the men live in that single room because there is a stove, pans, and a bed all in one area. It is also clear that they have a poor living condition because there are cracks in the wall and dirty clothes. Also, Jacob Riis is known for his work How …show more content…

In document four it shows giant money bags as men, clearly the monopolists. These men are sitting in a room of senators. The image also shows a door that states “ Peoples’ Entrance”, which seems to be closed. This image shows the how monopolists had too much power. Instead of all people having a say, it was only the monopolists. This problem was resolved by allowing people to select their senators, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years” (Document 7). Another problem with monopolies was how they treated their workers. Document three shows a decrease in child labor from 1890 to 1920. Child labor was cheap, this was ideal to any monopolist. Many monopolists, such as Rockefeller, were ruthless and supplied no safety for their workers, and paid them very little. This problem was addressed with the work by Ida Tarbell, The History of Standard Oil. The powerful monopolists were limited in power by

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