
Mohawk Saint And The Unredeemed Captive

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Throughout the stories told in both Mohawk Saint and The Unredeemed Captive, the unintended consequences of attempting to convert the American Indians to Christianity are powerful players in the unfolding events. When these Christian groups arrived in the New World, they came armed with the word of God that they wished to share among a group of people that have never before encountered the concept of Christianity. While eventually these relationships improved and Christians and American Indians began to have closer contact, there were still results from the conversion process that no one could have expected when the progress had started. In both of these stories, the unintended consequences of the encounters between Christian religious and …show more content…

She was admitted to take communion on Christmas day, “since Catherine appeared to be an exceptional case…” Catherine’s initiation into Catholicism was a rapid process and she continued to be skilled her faith for the rest of her life. This was contrary to what the Jesuit priests had in mind for their conversion of the Mohawks. As far as they had considered, “‘savages’ and ‘saints’ belonged to different contexts.” When converting the Mohawks, the Jesuits had no intentions of possibly finding a future saint in their midst. The categories were completely separate. It was only later in Catherine’s life that the members of her community began to recognize that she “…possessed extraordinary spiritual powers and people began seeking her out.” While she was not extremely popular and died mostly in solitude, the story of her piety became known throughout the community. The Jesuits, who had believed in the separation between the Natives and true religious piety, were forced to reconsider their interpretations of Catherine’s life and her religious devotion. Eventually, this was cumulate in the writings about her life and the process of her canonization. Although the Jesuits probably never considered finding a future saint among the Mohawks, they found that with Catherine’s story, a compelling case could be made for her canonization. One of the key

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