
Market Revolution Dbq

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The Market Revolution from 1815 to 1840 is the transition of American production for subsistence to commercial sales. Thus, goods were no longer produced for the purpose of feeding families, paying taxes, and providing for other essentials, but they were then produced for monetary profits.

Factors Contributing to the Market Revolution and the Industrial Revolution:
The extension of a national road from Virginia to Illinois permitted both farmers to settle Westward and to transport their goods more easily to major cities in the East. Thus, there existed a greater ability to directly sell the produce for cash profit.
The War of 1812 itself allowed for the settlement to the West because it removed the Native Americans as a threat for settlers because the British no longer supported them after the treaty of Ghent. Therefore, the policies of the Jackson administration, to …show more content…

Thereby, it was more beneficially to produce excess crops and sell them for money so that they could pay off debts incurred by having gotten the land through government auction.
Decreasing minimum land prices per acre of land encouraged speculators to buy the land and sell to the farmers with credit. In consequence, potential farmers could buy the lands in the smaller tracts appointed, rather than pay hefty prices for large amounts of forested land that could not be easily cleared quickly - and therefore not immediately entirely usable. In other words, there was more availability for the children of farmers to make their fortune on farm tracts out West.
Also, the new widespread availability of credit from private banks permitted farmers to buy amounts of land that they couldn’t afford at the time. Thus, farmers could buy the land with credit and then use the land to make a profit by selling their crops for cash to pay off their

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