
Mandatory Benefit Analysis

Decent Essays

What are mandatory benefits? These are required benefits by law that are obligated to be offered to each staff member when working within the organization. These benefits are an important part of the employee’s lives’ as well as their families’. Most of the time these benefits are the deciding factor on whether or not a potential candidate will accept the job offered by the company. For the job here at Victoria Secret two of the mandatory benefits we offer are Social Security and Family and Medical Leave Act.
A mandatory benefit that our company offer is Social Security Taxes which is something that each employee of the company must have taken out of there pay check at the same rate paid by their employers. This is mandated by the Social Security Administration. In addition, every employee must fill out the W-2 forms before starting a job so these tax deductions can be taken out of there check rather bi-weekly or monthly (depends on pay period). Social Security Taxes go towards the money you will inherit once you retire from your job.
Additionally Family and Medical Leave Act is another benefit that is offered by our company but it is not a federal law requirement unless have fifty or more employees within the organization. FMLA is offered as part of the employees overall compensation and benefit plan that is given to each employee hired. FMLA entitles …show more content…

Most health insurance is extensive, and can be anything from vision services and counseling, to receiving prescription medications, non-emergency ambulance services and hospital treatments. This is a welcome addition and relief for those who cannot afford outside policies that may be more specific or expensive. Awareness of and attaining quality health insurance is also becoming more of a priority among younger people in the work force as unforeseen complications have risen on the job over cumulative scales in recent

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