
Main Characteristics Of The Colonies

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Breadbasket Colonies - Also known as the Middle colonies, these colonies were main producers of grains such as corn, wheat and barley. This was characterized by good soil and a good climate for agriculture. These grains were important because they could be sold or traded in other colonies or New England. The colonies were included Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York and New Jersey. These colonies also had a significant amount of forests for lumber, which was important because England had a shortage of lumber.
North Carolina - The Northern part of the Carolinas that differed from the Southern part in that there were mainly small tobacco farms rather than large plantations with a major reliance on slavery. It was known for its bad transportation, few good ports, democracy, and self-government. It was established originally by the Virginia colonists.
New England colonies - These colonies included New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rhode Island and Connecticut. They were known for their extensive supplies of lumber, fur, and fish, considering their climate was too cold, soil too rocky, and the winters too long to be know for any sort of agriculture. The colonies were democratic, and also had a domestic labor source, unlike the slavery in the southern colonies. These colonies were significant because of their shipbuilding and their participation in the manufacturing of rum for triangular trade. They were also mainly Puritans.
Plymouth - Settled by English protestants,

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