
Job Automation Advantages

Decent Essays

One of the biggest controversies with the advancement of artificial intelligence is the debate on job automation. Many people believe that artificial intelligence will advance to become better than humans and replace humans in most jobs. The opposite belief is that AI will be used to improve the standard of living and will be a tool to support humans, not replace them. Job automation has many benefits such as performing more dangerous jobs and complete tasks that humans do not desire to do. Even though job automation has benefits, there are many people who believe robots will take over the job market and the unemployment rate will skyrocket. There are multiple supporting factors for each side of the job automation debate, but the argument will never be settled until AI is further advanced and utilized. The main key points of the side that support the advancement of job automation is that AI will improve the standard of living, lower the prices of products, and encourage people to get higher education. As job automation progresses, so does the standard of living. The largest sector of the job industry that will be affected by job automation is the service sector, manufacturing, and many other jobs that do not require higher education. Since robots will replace these lower paying jobs that do not require much skill, the quality of life will increase. One negative effect is that there are numerous people that hold these positions in the lower paying industry that will lose

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