
Jane Addams On Women's Suffrage

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Jane Addams said,“Nothing could be worse that the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world”. And there was no effort from Jane Addams that was not given. She grew up in a well off family and was not subject to poverty or discrimination, but decided that she wanted to make a difference in growing America. Times were tough as America fought to rise in industrial and economic strength, but often suffered in terms of the basic founding principles including the freedom of oppressed peoples of different genders and races, the maintaining of peace and, the condition of the people. Jane Addams was the most significant women in the 20th century because of her work for women’s suffrage, her …show more content…

Many activists took action to fight against oppression to gain the right to vote and to gain respect from the people around them. Jane Addams was a great supporter of the Women’s Suffrage movement, performing speeches and even wrote a book, defending her argument for the topic. She wrote multiple books all through her life but, her book about Women’s Suffrage, Why Women Should Vote, was about how women should expand their responsibilities past their household and further to affecting the political world. This book was trying to convey that as times were changing women had to continue to change and spread their duty as women out to public services. She felt it their responsibility to continue to care for and look after their families to their full extent, meaning for them to take part in social reform around their neighborhoods or to fight to vote so they could influence the decisions that would make life better for following generations. In addition to her other speeches and books supporting her views on the United States, she was the vice president of the National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) which organized and united women to fight for their rights. Because of her constant vigor and support she is held in high honor even now and is considered one of the most important women in the woman’s Suffrage …show more content…

living in cities. Immigrants also still poured in from other countries taking residence in the cities that were already overpopulated. Poverty was also a problem because of the recent depression in the United States. Jane Addams was a social reformer during this time because of her work with the Hull House and improving conditions in immigrant and working class neighborhoods. She and Ellen Gates Starr founded the Hull House as a place where people in not as well off neighborhoods could come together as a community. At the Hull House there were schools, swimming pools, sports, daycare, and cafeterias. It was made entirely to help people in the immigrant and working-class neighborhoods. Jane Addams wrote Twenty Years at the Hull House explaining her experience of working there and interacting with the people that came to it. She was also vice president of the American Branch of International Association for Labor Legislation (ABIALL) or the American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL). The AALL defined itself as a bureau of “experts” rather than a political organization, and its objective was the “conservation of human resources” through labor legislation, which intended to protect Americans workers from the worst excess of industrial capitalism.” Jane Addams worked as a social reformer all through her life because she wanted to

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