
Introduction. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (Gdm)By Definition

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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) by definition is a carbohydrate intolerance that is developed or recognized for the first time during pregnancy (Chen, Chuang, Fang, Kuo, Lee, Li, Lin, NIen,Wu, 2017). With a drastic increase of GDM in recent years, attention and concern has been brought to the topic. GDM is linked to poor pregnancy outcomes including but not limited to; hypertension, macrosomia, maternal depression, neonatal hypoglycemia and stillbirth (Jagiello & Chertok, 2015). With these negative pregnancy outcomes, there is a much greater chance of NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) admission and that comes with the potential for further issues. To avoid these issues, proper detection of GDM is necessary for all age …show more content…

Overall, the main focus of the study was to examine the experiences of these women with breastfeeding in the three month postpartum period (Jagiello & Chertok, 2015). The women who participated in this study were asked to do so by medical professionals upon diagnosis of GDM. In order for their interviews to be used in the final data analysis, they had to have delivered a child within the last year, delivered a healthy term infant, and had to be older than eighteen years old (Jagiello & Chertok, 2015). If they did not fit this criteria, they were not asked to be apart of the study. Once the twenty seven participants were chosen, they completed a series of focus groups and individual interviews. The transcripts from the interviews and focus groups were analyzed and three large themes emerged in the study (Jagiello & Chertok, 2015).
These themes included breastfeeding challenges and support, milk supply challenges, and concern for their infant’s health. The majority of the women interviewed expressed that they were encouraged to solely breastfeed upon delivery of their child. Although most attempted to breastfeed initially, many had difficulties doing so and it was concluded this may have been because of their GDM (Jagiello & Chertok, 2015). Neonatal hypoglycemia, jaundice, and cesarean births led to a decrease in skin to skin contact following delivery and in result led to difficulty with feedings. Many of these women also experienced delayed breast milk

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