
Informative Serial Killers Essay

Decent Essays

Informative Speech
Serial Killers

Specific Purpose: I want to inform my audience about serial killers, the type of person that commits these horrendous crimes.


1. Attention-getting remarks: What would you do as a young, cute college girl at the grocery store saw a clean cut nice looking man with a cast on his arm struggling with his groceries, he ask you for your help. Would you help him? Ted Bundy one of the most infamous serial killers of our time would put a fake cast on his arm, and ask his intended victim for help carrying his groceries to his car once there the would hit them with a tire iron. Take them and rape and beat them to death with the tire iron. 2. Need for listening: Serial killers come in …show more content…

3. Typical characteristics of a serial killer a. Bright to high IQ b. Trouble staying employed, menial jobs c. Abandoned by fathers at early age raised by domineering mothers. d. History of psychological problems within the family e. Criminal or alcohol abuse in family. f. Often abused by a family member, sexually mentally and physically. g. More than 60% wet their beds beyond age 12. h. They were frequently bullied as a child i. Involved in sadistic activity and torturing animals j. Fascinated by setting fires 4. Serial killers also show signs of a psychopath though this is not always the case. Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive and don’t conform to social, moral, or legal norms. Psychopaths have a distinct set of rules for themselves. They appear normal and are often very charming and charismatic. 5. Angels of mercy medical professionals will kill their patients for financial gain, or just because they can, or they feel like they are helping their patients by getting rid of the pain or sickness. 6. Female serial killers are rare, they tend to kill for financial gain and need to have an emotional connection to their victim. On some occasions women have been involved with male serial killers to form a serial killing team. 7. Motives of serial killers can be put into four categories. k. Visionary serial killers

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