
Impact Of Catherine Beecher's A Treatise On Domestic Economy

Decent Essays

The Industrial Revolution took place in the 19th century. The revolution significantly impacted American culture and marked its growth. The industrial revolution changed all aspects of American life such as the political, economical, and societal life. It was an era when America changed from agricultural to industrial, and when society became urbanized. When the revolution started factories, and mass production was in place. Mass production created a need for an unskilled labor force. People began to transition from the suburbs into the cities to get jobs. The Industrial Revolution saw an increase of women and immigrants in the workforce. The revolution also established the United States as the foremost industrial power, because of the sentiment …show more content…

Women did the same amount of work as men they got paid half of men wages because they were viewed as of less value. Since women were a cheaper labor force they were often hired to do men’s work, which often included working in dangerous and unsanitary conditions. Women became a necessity in the workplace, and they soon realized they did matter and that they deserved to be treated equally. Catherine Beecher was a women’s rights activist who fully believed in that sentiment. In “A Treatise on Domestic Economy” Beecher uses a key component of the Declaration of Independence highlighting that “all men are created equal and have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” She uses that point to emphases the parallels between Democracy and Christianity. Beecher continues on to show the importance of subordination in some relationships. She states that women take a subordinate position in public affairs and in domestic life. Beecher informs readers that shouldn’t be the case. Women have greater importance and thus so, in turn, have greater responsibilities (A Treatise on Domestic Economy 240-244). With that realization, women fought for changes. It wasn’t much longer until political changes were legally required. Women fought for equal treatment in society, as a result, the feminist movement emerged. The Industrial Revolution was important in changing the role of women and getting the feminist movement to the point it is at the

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