
How To Avoid Documentation In Compliance With State Records

Decent Essays

The documentation needs to be created in compliance with State Records Act 1998 and your organisations standard procedures for creating and managing the files. These may be complex or simple depending on the project. But small or large the same steps are still important.

If the documentation is not updated regularly enough or important information omitted, this can cause major issues and even halt or slow down the project plan.

Updating of the documents is crucial for milestone reporting and risk analysis. Your documentation is the communication. And you need to ensure the right people have the right documentation at the right time.
Putting version control and distribution control in place will ensure you know who is updating or accessing the documents and this will enable the correct documentation and most up to date documentations use for meetings and updates to the project plan. …show more content…

Some documentation is going to be confidential and not readily accessible to all. You need to ensure security level are up to date and correct so that documentation like team personnel records or any performance managing information is not readily accessible. It may be that some financial records are only to be viewed by particular team members and this may be a directive from legal or financial teams. Compliance of the organisations procedures will ensure that the right people can access the right information. You should still have a central repository for all documentation but adjusting and clear action of the security levels to suit the roles and responsibilities of the project team will ensure that the confidentiality of particular documentation is not compromised

Using a project documentation checklist you can tick off that you have covered off all aspects and have the correct information on hand, and this should be readily available so they know what information is already underway in relation to the project initiation and execution

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