
Home Care Research Paper

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Home Care – The Benefits of Word Puzzles and Word Games in Senior Home Care

Our brains are like muscles in many ways. For example, the more you use it the stronger it becomes. When our brains are "exercised" they grow, are strengthened, and perform to their highest potential. Bodies that are not exercised grow weak and are subject to increased risk of sickness and disease. The brain is no different.

Obviously, the brain cannot be built up with iron dumbbells, treadmills, or spin classes. Instead, the brain gets its exercise through activities that challenge it and force the neurons to fire. Dr. Gayatri Devi is a neurologist with the New York Memory and Health Aging Services. She believes that there are many benefits of word puzzles and word games in …show more content…

A 20-year study conducted for the New England Journal of Medicine reported that seniors who participated in regular brain games such as crossword puzzles, cards, and the like reduced their chances of dementia by more than seven percent. Yet, "those who played mind games for seniors more often and who lived a more dynamic lifestyle with activities like dancing, tennis or even walking, reduced their risk by 63 percent."

What constitutes regular activity? The New England Journal of Medicine study found that even one day a week of physical and mentally challenging activities reduced the risks of dementia by seven percent. Challenging the body and mind does not just ward off illness, however. It also promotes growth. Recent research suggests that cognitive functions actually improve when brain games and exercise are performed several days a week.

In addition to word puzzles and games such as crosswords, acrostics, and word searches, there are a number of other brain-based activities that are excellent for people of all ages, but are particularly suitable for seniors. Puzzles challenge the brain to find size, shape, pattern,

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