
Heros Journey Model In Prometheus : A Hero's Journey

Decent Essays

A hero's journey can be described as one’s mission to find self meaning through a process which can be viewed through Joseph Campbell’s, who is an American mythologist and author, ‘Hero’s Journey’ model, or a monomyth. His model for a hero’s journey helps the reader, or viewer, understand what decisions, threats, guidances, and choices the hero has to face throughout the plot. One movie in particular that shows a character’s “hero’s journey” is David from Ridley Scott’s movie Prometheus. Long story short, the movie in general is about a group of astronaut researchers that are sent to this planet, labeled as LV 223, to investigate godlike beings, called the Engineers, who would’ve seemed to be the creators of humanity. Although what the …show more content…

However, David at this point has a sense of curiosity and resentment for humans. Which is abnormal since android's’ should not be able develop these skills. The only thing the Prometheus crew were able to gather and retain was this mysterious black goo, which in reality was a virus created by the Engineers to create a new breed of ‘aliens’. The crew retracted and stayed away from the black goo, but David seeked knowledge from it and decides to test it out on Dr. Shaw’s husband. The goo infected the insides of her husband, then later transmitted to her while they had sexual intercourse a day before his death. The goo that was inside of Dr. Shaw later takes form of a fetus. Not a normal fetus, but a fetus of an alien labeled as a Trilobite. David soon sees what the goo has taken form of and marvels of “his” creation that he has tested on as soon as Shaw goes into labor with the Trilobite. As the plot thickens, what David has done to experiment with the black goo has not been taking note of by any of the other crew members. David soon finds out that one of the Engineers is still alive, but is in hypersleep. Right then, David decides to alert the crew leader and the rest to head in back inside the infrastructure. As soon as the crew enter what will end up becoming an alien spaceship, they find the Engineer. David wakes up the Engineer and confronts it. Trying to speak to it

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