
Gerontology : Aging And Old Age

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The study of aging and old age is referred to as Gerontology (Stuart- Hamilton, 2011, p. 1). The study of Gerontology is concerned with the changes, which affect older adults (Stuart- Hamilton, 2011, p. 1). The main role of Gerontology is to not only explain the aging process, but to also improve older adults lives and experiences (Stuart- Hamilton, 2011, p. 18). Gerontology is interdisciplinary and there are three main disciplines, which are considered to be the essential foundations of the study (Alkema & Alley, 2006, p. 578). The disciplines include biology, sociology and psychology (Alkema & Alley, 2006, p. 578). The three disciplines allow aging to be considered from their own specific perspectives (Alkema & Alley, 2006, p. 578). The …show more content…

In particular, exploring social barriers older adults face in regards to leisure participation and the psychological benefits they experience, if they can overcome these social barriers.

Traditionally the aging process was considered as undesirable where individuals experienced decline physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively (McGuire, Boyd & Tedrick, 1996, p. 1). As a result of Gerontology, older age is now considered as a time of happiness, opportunity and growth (McGuire et al., 1996, p. 2). While leisure has many meanings, it can be described as something which can be done in an individuals spare time, is autonomous, unpaid, enjoyable, a form of play and allows for personal growth (Argyle & Lu, 1992, p. 5). During old age, leisure plays a vital role in an individual’s life (Veal, Darcy & Lynch, 2013, p. 476). Individuals no longer have the pressure of work, or the responsibility of children (Veal, Darcy & Lynch, 2013, p. 476). As a result they are able to partake in engaging and stimulating activities, which maintains their quality of life (Veal et al., 2013, p. 476). Although older adults may have more free time, when compared to younger adults it does not always result in leisure participation. There are many social barriers, which may prevent older adults from partaking in leisure, for the purpose of this essay, ageism, gender and class will be discussed.

Sociology is the study of society (Holmes, Hughes & Julian, 2012, p.

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