
Food Inc Summary

Decent Essays

Food Inc., a documentary on the secrets of the food industry in America, captures it’s audience’s attention by sharing some disturbing information on where their food really comes from. People in America are fooled today by the pictures and advertisements that paint an innocent picture of a farm, tricking consumers into thinking what they’re buying is real, grown food. The food industry has many dirty secrets about it’s food production methods and is scared to reveal any of them because it could put their product sales in jeopardy. The content of this intriguing film compare with chapter 19 of the history textbook in many ways.

In chapter 19 of our history books, the topic of awful work conditions and standards are discussed. Other than …show more content…

Back in the 1800’s, labor laws were created because of the way the workers were treated. Frederick W. Taylor published a book that was popular to the public because it discussed scientific management. Business owners who read this book were greatly influenced by what the Taylor’s book said about workers. The book inspired owners to treat their workers as if they were just parts of a production process. This view on workers totally changed the way they were treated and managed. Injuries and illnesses significantly increased because of the dangerous and unsanitary conditions. Today, workers in food production companies or even businesses like McDonald’s are treated similarly. Though conditions may not be dirty, the owners have their employees repeat the exact same step over and over all day to achieve the production of a product when the workers work as a team. Because a job like this is so simple, it’s very easy to replace a worker who does that job. This system of treating workers like interchangeable parts is degrading and painfully boring for the workers, but since they need money, they have to settle for such an awful

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