
Outline For Emily

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1. - Theme.
2. - Conflicts, tensions and ambiguity.
3. -Symbolism.
4. - Narrative elements: point of view, tone and narrative structure.
1. - Theme.

The main theme of the Faulkner's short story is the relationship between the past and present in Emily Grierson, the protagonist. She did not accept the passage of time throughout all her life, keeping everything she loved in the past with her.

The story shows Emily's past and her family story. This information explains her behaviour towards time. Firstly, her father's lack of desire to move on into the future and his old-fashioned ways kept Emily away from the changing society and away from any kind of social relationship:

"None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss …show more content…

The family of Emily, the Griersons, was a very influential and important family in Jefferson. The townspeople seem to obey a certain hierarchy within which Emily was highly placed.

"Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town" (pp. 119)

However, she was the centre of furious gossip in the entire town especially when her relationship with Homer Barron started.

Despite the assumption that Emily was "a tradition, a duty, and a care", when Homer disappeared, the whole city knew that she was mentally insane because of her isolation, but no citizen tried to help her just because they thought greatly of her.

A conflictive episode of "A Rose for Emily" occurs when Emily bought arsenic from the druggist. He surely knew that she was insane and she would kill herself. Nevertheless, with very few words Emily persuaded him to sell her the arsenic, using her powerful reputation.

"`I want arsenic.'

The druggist looked down at her. She looked back at him, erect, her face like a strained flag. `Why, of course', the druggist said. `If that's what you want. But the law requires you to tell what you are going to use it for'.

Miss Emily just stared at him, her head tilted back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looked away and went and got the arsenic and wrapped it up." (pp. 125-126)

The druggist seems to be prepared to ignore the laws to satisfy Miss Emily.

The dignity

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