
Explain How It May Be Used To Promote Positive Behaviour Support

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In my view Positive Behaviour Support is a term surrounding strategies and methods that aim to assist a person to reduce challenging behaviour, and increase the person's quality of life through teaching a person new skills and adjusting their environment to promote positive behaviour changes. I feel the use of PBS decreases the need for more intrusive or aversive interventions such as consequences of deductions from pocket money, which are used in my current organisation. Through PBS we ca n teach children new skills which will allow them to develop new ways to manage and control their behaviours. As a result it can lead to positive outcomes. PBS can target an individual or a group of children. PBS also includes changing the environment, such as the physical setting. Shaping the environment may encourage behaviour change. This may include providing opportunities for behavioural change, assisting with those changes, and offering social support. It is important to recognize environmental constraints that might deter behaviour change. Therefore it is successful with a wide range of …show more content…

Some of these strategies are delivered through the consultation process to staff. The strong part of functional behaviour assessment is that it allows interventions to directly address the function (purpose) of problem behaviour. For example, a child who acts out for attention could receive attention for alternative behaviour or staff could make an effort to increase the amount of attention throughout the day. Changes in setting events or antecedents are often preferred by PBS because contingency management often takes more effort. Another tactic especially when dealing with disruptive behaviour is to use information from a behaviour chain analysis to disrupt the behavioural problem early in the sequence to prevent disruption. Some of the most commonly used approaches

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