
Examples Of Honesty In Othello

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Othello written by William Shakespeare is a play centered around the theme of fidelity and honesty. In Iago’s own words during act 2 scene 1 lines 223-248. The main villain in this story, Iago is driven by the way women act. Iago is the main villain throughout the story, he is very twisted in the web of lies he strings to manipulate the purity of people. His actions are motived by the jealousy of a main character Cassio, and the anger through his story of an affair between Othello and his wife. In Iago’s speech, he speaks about the relationship between Othello and Desdemona in the sense that she will one day get tired of Othello and move on to someone better. He expresses how easily she fell for Othello and how easily he believes that she …show more content…

The act of honesty is repeated throughout the story line of Othello, but in different ways. There is honesty in the commitment of a relationship, honesty between two people, honesty in the truth about the true character. When Iago is speaking with Roderigo in the speech, his shows honesty with the idea of Desdemona falling for another guy. In the rest of the story Iago shows to other people that he is an honest man who people can trust and depend on. Though anyone who is reading the book can easily see that none of what he says to expresses to other people is truly honest. Affected by the jealousy of Cassio getting the position, Iago is angered to make a plan to get the position instead of Cassio. First proving that Cassio is not fit, then pinning an affair between Cassio and Othello’s wife Desdemona. He pins little details like a handkerchief that Othello gave Desdemona, in Cassio’s, then brought Othello to see that. Once he has Othello believing his wife was cheating on him, Iago misses that his own wife isn’t necessarily on his side. Iago’s wife Emelia ends up telling everyone the truth, sadly after Othello does go unhinged and kills Desdemona. In the end the story shows that love and honesty go hand in hand. Dishonesty makes love grow weak, like it did between Desdemona and Othello. Iago’s actions were majorly punishable by death, not getting him what he had wanted. He manipulated so many people in efforts to get a single position, but ruins everyone’s life around him without having a single care about what he is doing. The idea of honesty is repeated to dramatize the idea of what happens when honesty is betrayed. If Iago were to have been an honest man, he wouldn’t have made the people around him

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