
Examples Of Courage In The Shwa Was Here By Neale Shunterman

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The word courage has been tossed around for centuries. From Christopher Columbus to Drake. The definition is knowing that something scares the living daylights out of you, but facing it anyway. The thing is, there are many different ways to look at courage. For example, perhaps a book about courage. Let's take The Schwa Was Here by Neal Shusterman. The book relates to courage because it show many examples of it by explaining some dares, challenges and messes two kids, one half Invisible, go through. The main person who shows courage is The Schwa, because he has to listen to a bothersome story, sneak into a cranky mans house, even though the whole town is scared of it, and gets in trouble with airport security.

The first way the Schwa shows courage is during the third and final Schwa experiment. The experiment is that "The Schwa can pass through …show more content…

The Schwa was already scared to set foot into the store because his mom abandoned him there when he was five. The reason why they go to see the night butcher is so the Schwa can find out why his mom ran away which was with the day butcher ironically. The Schwa wants to know the story but is scared of the truth. It turns out after the story, which the Schwa was pale half way through, the Schwa started bobbling his head like a bobblehead and then raged out. He kept yelling stuff along the lines of "My mother ran away with the BUTCHER?"(200) and "What kind of sick per-son runs off with the butcher, and leaves her five-year-old kid in the frozen-foods section?"(200). This shows courage because the Schwa goes into the store that he didn't want to step foot into, listens to a story about why his mom left him in the frozen foods section. He wanted to know why but was scared of the truth and he goes in and listens to the story anyway. That deserves a standing

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