
Evaluation Of An Effective Performance Appraisal System

Decent Essays

1. After reviewing exhibit 7.4.2, list what you regard as the major problems with the Darby appraisal system. Make specific recommendations about changing the system.
An effective performance appraisal system strives for as much precision in defining and measuring performance dimensions as is feasible. Some of the major problems with the Darby appraisal system are:
• The appraisal system includes traits, personal characteristics and competencies of the performer such as communication, decision making and, appearance and work habits instead of solely focusing on the outcomes produced during a certain period.
• The measurement of employee’s performance is only internal. A good performance appraisal should have multiple raters, both internal and external.
• The appraisal system is done once in a year. Employee appraisal should be done a number of times in a year.
• There are 25 managers who are not formally evaluated. They should also be evaluated.
2. What revisions to the rating form would you suggest? What particular methods discussed in chapter 7 do you recommend? Do you recommend the same methods for all Darby jobs?
I suggest ratings such as communication, decision making and, appearance and work habits be removed. I do not recommend the same methods for all Darby jobs, there should be different methods of rating the employees, managers and supervisors. I recommend graphic rating scales, management by objectives (MBO) and performance distribution assessment (PDA) to be used

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