
Essay On My Personal Identity

Decent Essays

I grew up thinking it was normal to be in invested everyone's problems. Throughout middle school and highschool, I grew up not knowing what it was like to have a secret. Everything that was mine was hers, and she felt that it was her right to bring it up whenever and wherever she pleased. She was always in my business. I began investing myself into my friends’ problems. Ever since I got my first phone in eighth grade, my mom has taken it every school night at 10:00 pm. I couldn't have my phone if she didn't know the password; I couldn't have an app unless she knew about it. As if it wasn't already enough, she had all my messages delivered to her iPad. Everyday she would go through my social media and then proceed to interrogate me about it. I tried talking to my friends about it, asking if they had similar experiences but no one did. I found myself not talking or caring about myself and just focusing on other people and their issues — putting others in front of myself and my needs. It became very unhealthy. It got to the point where I would be too busy trying to fix other peoples problems that I would stay up at night and lose sleep over things that didn't even affect me. I would forget to eat and drink water because I was caught up in too many other things and caring for myself was my last priority. So there I was the summer of my junior year sleep deprived, dehydrated, starved, and overall unhealthy. I decided that something needed to change or I would never be able to be

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