
Essay On California Drought

Decent Essays

Dry. Shortage of water. No rain. These are all signs of a drought. The drought in California is ongoing and only getting worse. There are numberless amounts of factors that cause the drought. The state is not doing enough to get itself out of this long term drought. At the rate California is going it will have no water and no reserves to have any hope for water. California drought. This current drought began in 2011 (Dallman). Citizens of southern California are not mandated to conserve water. The governor did not find it necessary to call a state of emergency until the third dry year. Thus, the southern California have to voluntarily conserve water (Dallman). The drought is still ongoing. It is getting more severe as it goes on. It is the worst drought in 120 years (Dallman). The drought is caused by lack of restrictions, almonds, and desalinations.
In order to save more water there needs to be stricter policies to conserve as much as possible. Allowing people to use water freely will cause the state to be in more of a drought. Water restrictions were not forced until 2005 (Dallman). This will cause the state to lose even more water at a faster pace because there is not a mandatory water policy. They only find water restrictions necessary to induce water conservations (Pint). Water …show more content…

Oceans become regulated while trying to benefit future generations. These efforts are not enough with the amount of brine being produced. Because of the brine, the ocean’s ecosystem are having future consequences (Koontz and Hatfield). The ocean is already seen as some as a waste pool, having the brine add on to it only makes it worse. The carbon dioxide levels in the ocean are another terribly high level. The ocean is prone to acidification from the amounts of carbon dioxide going into it at an alarming rate (Koontz and Hatfield). There are countless impacts that are not okay from

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