
English 111 Reflection

Decent Essays

Writing is a skill that improves over time with experience and exposure to different concepts. English 111 provided me with new skills and information that allowed me to enhance my writing abilities. As a student, I was given the opportunity to explore and develop my own writing process. This course explained, in depth, the components of a college level paper and correct grammar rules. By creating and following my own writing process, understanding the correct flow/components of a paper, and improving my grammar skills my writing improved tremendously. Through taking the course, English 111, I was able to develop as a writer and improve my writing abilities.
I have found that understanding and being comfortable with the writing process is …show more content…

Throughout the semester, I learned how to write a strong thesis statement, transition sentences, and how to intertwine my body paragraphs with one another so that they all connect with one another and flow smoothly. These were all parts of a paper that I previously learned in high school, but the difference is that I was not a strong writer in these areas. Now, after taking English 111 I can confidently say that I have improved tremendously in these areas. I first saw this shift in improvement in paper number four, which discusses the career of a physician assistant. Throughout the paper, I thought I did an excellent job connecting the paragraphs to each other. For example, on page four and five I connected the concluding sentence of paragraph number four and the introductory sentence of paragraph number five to one another, which resulted in the paragraphs running smoothly together, “However, like all careers, there are disadvantages to being a physician assistant. The disadvantages of being a physician assistant are mainly due to work hours, work intensity, and legal issues.” When the paragraphs throughout a paper flow smoothly with one another the paper is easier to understand and helps centralize the …show more content…

One disadvantage of high school was that our teachers focused very little time on grammar; therefore, I never gained a good foundation in correct grammar. Over the years this has hurt me in my writing because proper grammar is crucial in writing. By going to the learning center and receiving help from Professor Cox I was able to recognize repeated grammar mistakes within my papers. One very common mistake I made throughout all my papers was not inserting a comma after a subordinating clause at the beginning of a sentence. I noticed that I had a tendency to always start sentences with subordinating clauses, but would never put in a comma afterwards. Once I recognized this mistake and learned the correct way to fix it I started paying close attention to this grammatical error, making sure I did not make it again. Therefore, towards the middle to end of the semester I no longer made these errors in my papers. A good example of this correct grammar technique can be found in paper number four numerous times, “When applying to PA school, people need to beware of the programs pre-requisites because they vary between programs.” The comma between “school” and “people” is the correct use of a comma after a subordinating clause. Another grammar mistake I continuously made was putting a comma in front of the words “therefore” and “however” when a semicolon was needed. I was taught in high school, that you always put a set of commas around

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