
Education In Education By Emile Durkheim

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Students are rewarded for co-operation, achievement and progress and are frowned upon or punished for acts of deviance or misbehavior. The positive reinforcement of the skills that are developed in the early years of a child are further enhanced in the education system since it helps prepare students for interacting with other members of society and conducting themselves according to normal societal standards within the framework of societal roles. Durkheim's (1958-1917) theories were founded on the concept of social facts, defined as the norms, values, and structures of a society. According to Durkheim, society should be analyzed and described in terms of functions. Society is a system of interrelated parts where no one part can function without …show more content…

(Durkheim 1961) He believed that without these ‘essential similarities’, cooperation and social life itself would be impossible. He stressed that education provides a link between the individual and society. Emile Durkheim stresses the importance of the socializing agent in the education system in industrialized societies. He believed that education set the foundation which fostered a child’s cognitive and moral characteristics which was the basis upon which society was founded. Durkheim believed that these characteristics were essential in order to ensure that new member of society would be able to meet the required standards of society. Education had certain advantages over the individual which Durkheim refers to as a methodical socialization. This term refers to the younger generation or new members of society being instructed in certain values so that a certain co relation and degree of homogeneity would be developed by all members of society. Durkheim stated “It is by respecting the school rules that the child learns to respect rules in general, that he develops the habit of self-control and restrain himself. It is a first initiation into the austerity of duty.” (Durkheim 1961) Thus all members of society would be integrated

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