
Economic Issue Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

My paper was about the economic issue that I encountered during the process of buying a house in the United States. My family went through a dilemma of buying our own home in Columbus, Ohio on April 19th, 2003. I strive in developing detail; however, I struggle in grammar and punctuation. My strength of expressing the experiences I went through was, I gave the most important details of my family. For instance, the process of dealing with the banking system, the interest rate, and down payment was too much. My idea was to deliver my message and get the reader’s attention on my ordeal. My topic was structured to draw the reader’s mind to what the significant points of buying a house in the United States. I used supporting details without leaving the reader hanging there with no idea what is going on or what I am trying to say. Although my budget was not as much as the house seller expected, I wanted buy a house for my family with good neighbors and decent schooling system. In my writing, I was having grammar and punctuation issues. I used second person instead of the first person and vague words, like “things”. I had pronouns misused, commas left out and used two words with the same meaning in a paragraph. Also in sentences, numbers need to be spelled out instead of writing down that number. In MLA format, the dates …show more content…

I will do my best to work hard on my sentence structure, subjects and verbs agreement and to avoid passive voice in my future papers. I am developing my skills to improve in my word choices and sentence errors. In addition, I would like to tell anyone who just came to the U.S.A. and wants to go to school to do one thing at a time. Going to school, having a family and working is difficult. It was hard for me and my family, but with work of the government modification agent and with prayers we were able to get back our home, jobs, and my husband was able to finish his R.N. and now we are

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