
Dynamic Characters In Night By Elie Wiesel

Satisfactory Essays

In the book “Night” written by Elie Wiese in 1955, Elie talks about his father , Shlomo Wiese’s and his own struggles in the holocaust. Elie tells their many struggles by showing us dynamic characters and foreshadowing. The book is set in Sighet, Birkenau, Auschwitz, then lastly Buchenwald. Elie and his father’s life went from typical to dreadful in a matter of months. In the book they change a lot and Elie shows it with dynamic characters and foreshowing.
In Elie Wiesel’s biography we see the dynamic changes in both Elie and his fathers’ value of life and their religion. The transformation of Elie is heart wrenching; to see him go from a trusting boy to an apprehensive man. After he was captured and sent to Auschwitz, he began to abandon his

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