
Why Is Duty Of Care Important

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Duty of care is a requirement that all health and social care professionals, and organisations providing health and care services, must put the interests of the people who use their service first. They also have to do everything in their power to keep people safe of any harm, neglect or risk. As an individual healthcare worker you owe a duty of care to your service users, your colleagues, your employer, yourself and the public interest. All duty of care is described I Code of Practice. Duty of care means that you must aim to provide high quality care to the best of your ability. If for any reason you can’t do this then you must say so. You must adhere to a standard of reasonable care and you are expected to: • Keep your knowledge …show more content…

It is their right as an individual to be able to make their own decision. Risk assessment must be in place, as a confirmation that person take responsibility for consequences of that decision. Complains Complains are not very nice to deal with buy in care work it happened are we have to solve the problem asap. All small complains can be said to staff and then carer try to solve the problem. If not she/he may need to report problem to senior carer or manager, which has obligation to deal with it. Very important complain must be in writing and reported to manager which has to solve the problem. All related to care home policies and procedures. The most complains comes from service user or families, which are worried about them. As a care staff I have responsibility to take the complaint, if I can solve the problem. If I can’t manage with complaint I have to report problem to senior staff or manager. Very important is to promise to person that we will do our best to solve the problem to keep them come, but we can’t say we will do that. It is about building the trust. If you promise to do that person trust you and if you can’t manage, person will be very disappointed. When you say that you do your best, person will trust you but if you will not manage, that disappointing will not be so strong as you didn’t promised for sure. All complains has to be reported to senior staff and recorded in care plan of resident. If any complain is related to abuse

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