
Domestic Terrorism Is America 's Greatest Threat : Mass Shootings And Hate Crimes

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Domestic Terrorism is America 's Greatest Threat: Mass Shootings and Hate Crimes

I. Introduction The United States has been in a national state of emergency fighting a war on terrorism since September 11, 2001. The intelligence communities have pursued and tracked down terrorist suspects who pose a direct threat to this country, yet one of the greatest threat to this country is the astronomical number of mass shootings and hate crimes that have occurred in this country post 9/11. The United States has taken aggressive measures to counteract the war on terrorism, yet does not take the same aggressive measures to counteract the war on mass shootings and hate crimes knowing the psychological effects plant the same fear in the …show more content…

The U.S. continues to implement effective initiatives and provide adequate resources for the War on international terrorism; whereas the threat magnitude of international terrorism is miniscule in comparison to the number of mass shootings and hate crimes taking place on a daily basis in this country. Acts of terrorism plants fear and terror into the hearts and minds of individuals but when mass shootings occur in the United States, they get classified as murder or hate crimes. This research will show that mass shootings and hate crimes inflict the same type of terror in the hearts and minds of individuals throughout communities within the United States as terrorist attacks have inflicted on communities.

II. What is Domestic Terrorism? There is no single, universally accepted definition to define terrorism but the U. S. Code of federal regulations define it as any violent act or acts dangerous to human life that violates the criminal laws of the U.S. or any State or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the U.S. or any State. (18 U.S.C § 2331). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) divides terrorist attacks that face the U.S. into two broad categories - international and domestic. (18.U.S.C. § 2331). International terrorism aspire to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a

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