
Differences Between Antebellum North And South

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The Antebellum North and South The Northern states were very different from the Southern states, which caused a decent amount of conflict. The South was mostly built on the backs of slavery whereas in the Northern states, the majority of residents heavily opposed slavery, this lead to many problems. While in the North people were working on many new advances in life, the Southerners hadn't really changed much from 1800 to 1860. In the North, people were working on getting equal education rights for everyone where in the South people were still stuck on slavery( crash course #15).North and South states had very different views for everything in the topics of economics, politics and social ideas. The North and South had very different views towards social standings. The Northern people didn't really own slaves. The North was home of the majority of the abolitionists. Many Northers thought it was wrong to hold a human against their will to work for them.The Southern residents believed that owning African Americans was morally sane. In the south people bought, sold, and used slaves …show more content…

In the North, unlike in the South, people road the railroad on a regular basis, because they had thousands of miles of track laid out. People in the North were also able to ride aboard steam boats. This was an advantage to those in the North because they were able to ship goods to places and receive them efficiently and semi cheaply. In the South, horseback and covered wagons were the common mode of transportation. This was a major disadvantage to the many cotton growers in the South. With the south supplying 75 percent of the worlds cotton( Teach us at this time transporting cotton was difficult.Some of these economical differences also lead to political

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