
Did I Miss Anything

Decent Essays

When reading the poem “Did I Miss Anything?” personally I was able to relate to the poem being in a college student in the class room for the majority of the day. When reading this poem it was not like other poems learned in this class there was no hidden meaning to it, the meaning was lying right there in the text. The poem Did I Miss Anything portrays the tone as sarcastic. The speaker portrays a sarcastic tone because every time a student asks a question in the form Did I Miss Anything, the speaker pretends that they are answering the question of the student in an honest manner. When the fact of the matter is the speaker is beating around the bush of saying that the student has worded the question in the wrong choice of words. Being enrolled …show more content…

When taking English Composition 2 I have learned various things that I can carry through with me throughout the rest of my academic and social life. The class English Composition 2 touched on the components of character, setting, short story, drama, and poetry. With each section and a lecture on each section I have taken away a piece away from each section, one thing that is for sure I will never read literature the same after this class. When talking about character we looked into the story Gorilla My Love and how the story is told through the eyes of a young black girl named Hazel. Concluding from this section of the class I learned that if the characters were to be different characters the story would change as whole. When looking deeper into the concept of setting as a class we had the opportunity to learn how to depict where the setting is, and learn how the setting can make a difference in any type of literature. For the concept of short stories as a student I looked deeper into the story of 20/20. After, a struggle on the topic of short stories I learned the different compontes that go into and are used in making a short story. For an example, the story 20/20 uses the model Freytag’s Pyramid to tell the story line. The component of Drama happened to be my favorite component of the class. I

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