
Cultural Diffusion In Ancient Greece

Decent Essays

Ancient Greece is one is one of the most important civilizations in history. Why? Simply because they were the base of many things that we believe in, practice, or build upon today. Some examples are language, architecture, art, science, and much more. Over hundreds and thousands of years technology, agricultural techniques, weapons, and education has advanced and evolved. Many of these ideas not only started within Ancient Greece, but within other ancient civilizations as well. Have you ever wondered what life would have been like if the ideas and inventions that Ancient civilizations had uncovered had not been shared with other societies?

This process of spreading ideas between cultures is called cultural diffusion.

There are three different …show more content…

Actually many Victorian-era scholars believe that the ancient Egyptians (in Africa) and the ancient Incas (in South America) learned many of their practices from the same Golden Age parent civilization, “Atlantis.” Since the theory of Atlantis is often rejected, cultural diffusion often becomes another theory. Some of these similar procedures include rituals of burying the dead, jewelry, stone work, skull remodels, and …show more content…

He drew a conclusion from his fieldwork in the American Northwest, deciding that diffusion and modification, the act or process of changing parts of something, explained many cultural phenomena. An example includes how Native American culture and religion was affected and altered over time by their location to other cultures and customs. Scholars of cultural diffusion created many different theories around this topic, how it originated, how the idea spread, and more. Heliocentric diffusion suggests that all cultures emerged from a single civilization.

Many of today’s most popular religions did not originate where the majority of their religious followers live. For example, Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions and it was created somewhere near or around the Indus Valley (which is now modern day Pakistan). Another example is Christianity or Christian Orthodox. This religion originated in the eastern section of the Roman Empire. Eventually both of these religions, along with their customs and beliefs, became popular amongst other people, cultures, and even nations, therefore spreading across the

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