
Critical Thinking On Computers And Programming

Decent Essays

Computers & Programming I have selected and viewed the below TED lecture topic for this project and demonstrated critical thinking in my written response. My response specifically discusses how I think the content of the lecture may have an impact on me and my future. Can we create new senses for humans? The TED I viewed discussed how we may view a new marriage of technology to help further improve and even replace our senses using specific technological developments. In the TED Eagleman discusses how the visible world and light spectrum that we are able to currently view with our eyes and the sound we are able to interpret is actually one one trillionth of what is actually out there. This idea that there's so much more to be able to see …show more content…

Even though a lot of our systems are digital there is still numerous bureaucratic red tape that we must go through. Another problem is that all of our financial systems are centralized which in turn makes us vulnerable to system failures and cyber attacks. Enter the Blockchain this digital ledger can record anything of value whether it be money, stocks, bonds, contracts any other kind of asset can be stored digitally securely and privately and peer to peer which means it can't be hacked since the information isn't stored in one central location. The blockchain is set to change my life because soon the days of the banker being able to control our finances. Now using the Blockchain we no longer need to go through a middleman to conduct our business transactions we no longer need the banks or even the government to verify identities and conduct record keeping. As a result many of the large banks are also beginning to invest in this technology in order to streamline their business and to cut costs and increase security which in turn is allowing the consumer to save on banking and insurance fees. The block chain is set to change my life because now I will be able to conduct my transactions securely and privately and be able to conduct my transactions through peer to peer

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