
Corporations Are Moral Agents and Have Obligations Which Go Beyond Obeying the Law.Doc

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Question 4. It is overwhelming how corporations have embedded a social responsibility in their mission statements and company objectives. This leaves us with one assertion that is that corporations do have some level of obligation towards society’s morality; however, the corporation itself is not a moral agent (Klaus M. Leisinger). The discussion that follows is about corporations being moral agents or otherwise; however I will reach a conclusion that corporations do have an obligation that extends beyond obeying the law; evens so this obligation have been derived from the corporations quest for profit making. Corporation’s obligation A corporate company has social responsibilities that affect the public and their business is society’s …show more content…

If corporations had the social responsibility to foresee the employment of the low skilled employees, SA government would be free of the pressure they currently have. Corporations would also take some of their profits available to shareholders and begin new projects suitable for the low skilled labor force. This is not the case however, and hence we realize that corporations only have an obligation to their owners, i.e. shareholders and debtors. The inseparatability of the corporation’s profit making ambition and the corporation’s obligations that extends beyond the law has been well spelled out by Conill Sancho, Jesús, 1952 In his book, “Corporate citizenship, contractarianism and ethical theory”. “It is worthy to realize that each coin has two faces: one shows the nominal value defined by the bank of issue, the other shows the emblem of a state, effigy of a state head or picture of a country element. The first face of a coin or note may be called ‘ECONOMIC’, for it states the economic value; the second face is ‘SOCIAL’, for it symbolizes one of the highest values of the society in a given country. Both faces are inseparatable: it is impossible to use the “ECONOMIC ‘face leaving the social face in a wallet. This inseparability is the best illustration of indissolubleness of the two sides of business activity: its economic side and its social side”. This gives an urge to say that in essence corporations do have a moral obligation that

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