
Corporate Crime Vs White Collar Crime

Decent Essays

Corporate crime is considered a form of white-collar crime that is committed by persons of respectability and high social status, white collars crimes are believed to be committed by business people. Some people believe that this is a crime that is committed by the very rich, people that are of high social status corporate crime are by far the worst, because corporate crimes are considered white collars crimes, and what is believed is that white collars crimes are committed by business people (Cavender & Cullen (2006). These crimes can be infractions such as crimes by politicians; crimes by professionals, like accountants, physicians, and attorneys; cheating on taxes; corporation theft or embezzlement; and crimes committed by corporate organizations themselves (Cavender & Cullen, 2006). They are deemed the greatest threat to civil society corporations, because they have a much greater ability to do severe harm, their actions do damage to society as a whole. …show more content…

Corporate crimes can lead to murder; people have died from finding out about corporate crimes and threatened to divulge that information, corporation crimes can lead to many other crimes. The standard of proof in most civil cases requires that there be more evidence for than against, or that the winning argument is more probable than not. This entails some sense of weighing the evidence based on the relative importance of the various pieces of evidence presented in a case. There has to be a Preponderance of the Evidence, also a standard of proof in most civil cases, there must be more evidence for than against, or that the winning argument is more probable than not. This entails some sense of weighing the evidence based on the relative importance of the various pieces of evidence presented in a case (Taylor v. Kentucky,

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